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Lori looked bedraggled and sweaty as she returned to her apartment. Damn, damn, damn!. How could I have been so blind? I knew Andrew respected me, and I knew he liked me, but now I find out he has loved me for a long time. Was this why I have been advanced in responsibilities? No, she knew she was good at military tactics and combat. Andrew had said that was part of why he felt so strongly about her. It was also why she was afraid of a close relationship with him. She knew herself, and knew she needed Jason’s more tempered approach to problem solving. She also knew she loved Jason, and not Andrew. What’s more, Andrew knows it, too. Why did he have to confuse me with another marriage proposal?

  As she entered her small apartment, she sighed in frustration, still not knowing what she would do. She did not want to marry Andrew, but she did not want to go to New York with Jason and Bill. And she did not want to stay behind if Jason went. Why can’t life be simple? I just want it to be black and white.

  She lived in one of the long row-houses that accommodated the single people in her group. They were small apartments without even kitchen facilities, because the cooking was done in common cooking and eating areas throughout the compound. The apartment was Spartan, but enough for her. The main room had two windows lighting the living area, There was a small seating area on the right, with a sofa, chair and coffee table. An office area on the left comprised a desk and chair. There was a computer and a small lamp on the desk. The shelf on the wall over the desk contained what few books she had. Most of her reading was done on line, and most of that was books on military strategy. The only decorations on the walls were geodetic survey maps of the enclave she and her people called home. Sheltered between a small Amazon tributary and a roll of hills in a national forest in the Amazon jungles of Brazil, it was remote and private, just what Bill and his group of scientists who had dreamed up the project wanted. They were the ones who made personal contact with the outside world. So far the project’s existence had been kept a secret. They had been able to expand slowly without interference from their non-spliced counterparts. She had long ago stopped calling full-sized human beings normal people. In her mind she and her people were as normal as anybody else. They were smaller, proportionally stronger, just as smart, and so far seemed to be more disease resistant. They also had remarkable endurance especially when it came to distance running and withstanding wide variations in temperature. They were linked to the outside world through the Internet, which they accessed by way of satellite, so they knew about human culture outside of their small community. This was why she was so worried about the concept of integration with non-spliced people. She knew of their fear of differences, and their capacity for brutality. She was mortally afraid for her people.

  Well, I’d better get ready. I don’t want Jason to see me all sweaty from my march. She walked into the bedroom, the only other room in the apartment. It had a small attached bathroom and she shucked her clothes and put them in the laundry bag. I’ll deal with them later. She stepped into the shower, and 10 minutes later she was toweling herself off before the mirror over her small dresser. She looked at herself with her close-cropped blond hair and almond-shaped, green eyes. She was not willowy as some of her sisters were, but had a sturdy quality that was accented by her well-defined biceps and broad shoulders. She was not masculine, but her femaleness was not soft, either. She was pleased with what she saw, but she never thought of herself as any kind of beauty. Her self-image was about being capable rather than attractive. Now, here she was, being pursued by two of the most desirable males in her community. Go figure, she thought. I want to look good for Jason because I love him. And in that moment she knew she had made her decision. Her love for Jason made it simple. No matter what the cost, she would have to go with him to New York.

  She went to the closet and opened it, looking for just the right outfit. She would dress in something soft and feminine, to please Jason and to ease her militant image. If she were going with him, she would show her support for him and the mission. She would try with all her heart to make the visit a success. She chose her only dress, a pastel floral frock that came to her knees, with bare shoulders and a high neckline that suggested, rather than exposed, her breasts. The dress flowed as she walked, giving the sense of flowers in motion against her lithe, strong body. It set off her bronzed skin so it glowed. Her eyes were sparks against her smooth skin, her face framed softly by her short, light hair. If they were going to be married, she would be the best wife she could be. She turned and walked into the living room just in time to see Jason coming up the walk to her apartment.

  They had made love before, but always on a casual level. They had been exclusive with each other for the last two years, and there had always been the possibility of marriage in her mind, but not fraught as it was with this huge decision. She knew what she must do, and as she opened the door to meet him, she smiled. It was a smile of joy because she knew what her commitment to him would mean to both of them. She trusted Jason and loved him with all her heart.

  “Have you thought about what I asked you this morning?” There was a hopeful, almost boyish look about Jason, as if he were really in doubt about what her answer would be.

  “I’ve thought about nothing else. and the answer is, yes, I’ll marry you. But ... “

  “You have no idea what a relief that is,” he said. “I’m doing what I must, but I would have been pretty desolate without you by my side.” He moved to take her in his arms but she held out her hand to fend him off. She needed her head to be clear for the words that needed to be said. He backed off, confused.

  “I have something to say. I’m not the romantic type, so I don’t know if I can make myself clear. I know you love me Jason. I’ve known it longer than you have, I think. I’ve loved you for a long time, too. I’ve wanted this marriage, but I have imagined a very different life with you. I’ve told you about my fears for our people with this premature move. I want you to forget I have ever been against it. I want you to know I am committed to it as much as if I wanted it myself. Because I’m committed to you. I love you more than life itself. I couldn’t bear it if you went away and left me behind. So I’m going with you, and I am proud to be going as your wife. I want you to know I will do everything in my power to make the mission a success. I’ll also do everything in my power to make our marriage a success.”

  “I’ve often dreamed about our marriage, too.” he looked at her, and his look reached into her soul. She felt the heat of desire start from within. “I’ve never dreamed about being with anyone else, never wanted anyone else. I’ve been so afraid--afraid I wasn’t your type, afraid you would find more comfort with military types--muscular types. I’m more of an abstract, nerdy guy, into the sciences, and you have always been more athletic, more physical, and just ... more beautiful. I didn’t think I would measure up.”

  “And I didn’t think I would measure up to what you would find attractive. I’m all sweaty and physical with rough edges. Not very tender. I think I missed out when they handed out the girly genes.”

  “I think you have plenty of girly genes. And I should know, I’m the molecular biologists around here.”

  He reached for her and this time she did not resist as he pulled her into his arms. She felt the warmth of his presence, smelled his maleness, and the sensation of his body enfolding her drove her need for him. She felt his arms go around her and she pressed herself into him. It was the same reaction she always felt with him, but this time it was more. More meaningful, more beautiful, as if the commitment somehow added to the physical reactions that washed over her body. His hand reached for her breasts as she groped to unbuckle his shorts. There would be talk later, but now was not the time for talking.

  September 20, 2027 18:40

  An apartment Building near Central Park in New York